Sunday, March 22, 2009

designer dogs

I haven’t blogged in so long and I have no excuse. I am once again working at mojo’s backyard part time along with my full time job as a physician assistant in dermatology. so I am busy (that’s a BIT of an excuse and true at the same time)

truth be told, I would much rather be with the dogs at mojos than the people at the dermatology joint (shhhh – don’t tell the folks at the derm office…I enjoy that work tremendously as well as the people, but the dogs…..ahhhhhhh the dogs)

I love doggie kisses and nuzzles and the smells (SOME of the smells anyway) and the noises, the fur (when it remains attached – the floating fur is not my favorite) I could watch the dogs play all day. heck I even like watching them sleep. they are gorgeous.

I’m trying to think – have I ever met a dog that was NOT amazing to look at. I have to go with NO. I will say this…puggles are so cute when they are puppies and when they grow up they get a bit….”less cute” shall we say.

you know a puggle is a “designer dog,” right? a puggle is a beagle bred with a pug. I believe it is recognized by some group as being official in some sort of way. to me, it doesn’t matter – I just love beagles and I love pugs, so PUGGLES – what’s not to love?

at my dermatology job I work with a wonderful woman who has a jack Russell and a shih-tzu combo dog. I don’t know if that combo is an “official” designer dog or not. but I have dubbed the breed as the jack-shit. her name is bella and she is a beauty!! so when I say she is a jack-shit, I mean it in the sweetest, kindest possible way.

pictured above is my designer dog, Eiyso, she is a lointer. (lab/pointer mix. some might call her a mutt or a mix. i just say she's my sensitive sweet girl.)

side note: if you haven’t noticed, I’m lowering my grammar and punctuation standards. maybe I can blog more if I don’t try to get things all perfect and pretty. after all, while my life is perfect, it ain’t always pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Eiyso. She's always known she was a designer dog ;) And it's funny that you're lowering your grammar and punct standards because I just picked up a copy of Elements of Style to raise mine, lol. Glad you're posting again!
