At mojo’s backyard, we foster dogs. One of the groups we work closely with is boxer rescue. (boxer aid and rescue coalition– you should check them out –great people, love dogs.) we usually have a boxer or two hanging around the daycare waiting for the perfect forever home.
We’re hosting a little boxer man right now named “roadie” I prefer to call him roadie-oh. He’s a jack russell/boxer mix – so they think. a jack in the box for those of you who need a designer dog. [you can read roadie’s story at]
I love him.
this is jean - he works with us at mojo's backyard - holding roadie-oh. too too cute!!
roadie hated me or feared me most likely for a long time & I don’t know why. most dogs get one whiff of me & seem to trust me. this little dude gave me a fit. growled barked snarled lunged backed away for 2 or 5 days. I spent over an hour inching him toward me with treats & when I ran out of food, he ran away. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, he fell in love with me almost as much as I am with him.
Confession: He is a coprophagiac (he eats other dogs crap) but hey, many dogs do it. So he’s got a single fault…
I was tucking roadie-oh in one night (I work at the daycare a couple of nights a week and I always say goodnight to each dog – kisses, calming rubs, telling them they are good good dogs. sometimes I have to lie.) & I smelled light poop on his breath – so I wouldn’t let him kiss me. I kissed him on the top of his head. He laid his head down and accepted all of my affection. This must be why I love him.
Have you ever seen a smoosh face dog’s teeth? Oh my goodness – they are a crooked mess. Underbite-city, crooked as my conniving uncle eric, snaggle tooth from way back. it’s just so comical and wonderful. I love looking at them – it brings up a smile from way deep in my soul. (I had braces many many many years ago – so my bite now is disguised as almost straight – perhaps malformed k9 teeth remind me of my younger days looking in the mirror)
I really wanted a little look at roadie’s dentition for my own personal happiness meter – it never hurts to charge it up when you can sneak a peak at something that makes you feel so amazingly joyful.
When I parted his lips and prepared for my smile I instead felt a little puke come up into my throat. Uppers and lowers caked full of poop, shit, crap, excrement, grey brown burbling and overflowing from the crooks and crannies – just like my ex-husband.
[The only time that mean man ever made me laugh is when he would clog his mouth with chocolate, smile big and say “do I have anything in my teeth?” & that was really only funny the first thousand times he did it.]
Maybe that’s why I was so horrified mortified and nauseous with roadie’s gaping cesspool mouth & the foulness spewing from it….. he reminded me of my ex. Oh roadie-oh. …
or maybe it was just freakin’ gross.