Monday, November 16, 2009

news updates, overdue just like my gas bill

how do you get so busy in your life that you totally forget to pay a bill? i got the threatening letter from the gas company last week (i think? though i didn't open it until 2 days ago)...i called at 0700 today so they wouldn’t stop my gas flow. the nasty-gram said they would shut it down yesterday. i don’t believe they did ‘cause my water’s still hot.

i have a scintillating scotoma. do you? it’s a blurry, shaky, light bright spot in my vision that lasts for about 20 minutes & then goes away as quick as it shows up. lots of folks will get this visual disturbance right before a migraine. i am so very grateful that i don’t get the headaches...just the scintillating scotoma. (what a fun phrase to say. try it!) this is my third one in 10 years. it’s not a toom-ah.

dog them. we had 4 brilliant women come together this past-past sunday to discuss our dog ranch concept (the bff dog ranch - website coming soon) we chose these woman because we respect each of them & all they do for animals. wow, were they amazing together. talk about synergy. the lives of dogs everywhere in tallahassee are improving daily thanks to this incredible, strong and enthusiastic group. i love dog people. thank you megan, pattie, leigh ann & kate. can’t wait to start those open houses & get the ranch rockin’.


i am so ready for christmas - my shopping is done. wait, let me say it one more time. my christmas shopping is done! wooooo hoooo. all i have to do is sip the egg nog & wrap the gifts. i’m already playing my christmas music. i love those songs. i have the little drummer boy by 7 different artists. if i played my christmas playlist for 24 hours straight i still wouldn’t be through it all. if you’re thinking “thanksgiving isn’t even here yet, why are you thinking christmas?” well, i’ll tell you, thanksgiving is part of my holiday celebration & it all falls under the heading of the magnificent christmas season- peace, love, dogs & nog.



  1. Snot grams from the gas company sure put a damper on the nog fog. Hopefully it didn't dampen the BFF dog snog with your ladies. You should rename your site the Dog Snog Nog Fog Blog - screw that gas man Bob Loblaw - he probably wrote you the your-bill-is-late snot gram.

  2. Post Script: I also get a scintillating scotoma, but only when I'm getting a darn migraine. I find them inaptly named, as there is nothing scintillating about them - they make me want to vomit!

  3. woo hoo! new dog-nog-blog! i get the scintillating scotoma's too. but just before the pain. luckily, they're stress induced and i haven't had one for a long, long time :D

  4. btw, your pics aren't coming up for me...
