Sunday, August 2, 2009

fur photos on friday

we had so much fun this past friday afternoon. a photographer came to our home to photograph our dogs.

i was sorta dreading it all week. it’s hard work to have a “stranger” come into a 5 dog pack - get the dogs to play nice, put on their best face, act decent, not bark, not jump, not argue/growl/grump with each other, & to smile, all the time worrying if the house is clean enough, the grass is short enough, if even a single photo will be in focus because not one dog is willing to sit perfectly still long enough for the photographer to exhale.

well let me tell you about ms robin adams, pet photographer extraordinaire. worry about the dogs jumping on her? she kicked off her shoes on the porch, walked into the living room, sat down in the middle of the floor & welcomed every sniff, kiss, nose bump, slobbering lick she could get from our pack. she reciprocated their acts of love by bringing bully stix for all, giggles, treats by the dozen, infectious laughter, enthusiasm & joy to our little pack, including my husband & me.

the dogs were so animated & loved her so much she could barely get far enough away from them to take their photos.

-lucas made all of his funny elvis faces for her
-eiyso stretched out in her “i am the zen dog” pose with those magical soulful eyes gazing deep into the camera lens
-mojo woofed & pranced & kicked in all her longhaired, smiling face glory followed by several vogue poses just to prove she’s still got what it takes for the cat dog-walk.
-sparrow did some vertical jumps, raced like a banshee-fied tasmanian devil & promptly retired to her crate stating “...& i’m spent.”
-ditto displayed the downward dog over & over so that robin could get just the right light while we giggled nonstop about how stinkin’ cute she is. (ditto, not robin. though, yes, robin is cute, too!)
-chris & i were left with huge smiles, feeling proud of our pack & we simply cannot wait to see the woof proofs. (we’ll be sharing once we get them!!)

robin is amazing with dogs. & amazing with the camera.
she’s a wonderful person, dog rescuer, cat lover, compassionate, talented, creative, has a zest for life & spunk that i admire. i recommend her for ALL your photographic needs.
check out her website FUR & Robin Adams Photography

she’s got a pack of new fans with the jones clan!!! is the link to our proofs - they are awesome!!!
the jones family


  1. Can't wait to see the pictures! and you.

  2. wonderful. great to see you postin' and makin' connections! have a great sunday. i'm looking forward to seeing more pics too. hope you and the other human you live with are good!

  3. YAY!!! I can't wait to see your pics, MF!!! Are you and Chris in the photos with the kids too? Love you and chat with you soon ~ Lady K

  4. Sounds wonderful, you guys must have had a blast! Post pix soonest!

  5. Miss Dawn

    This is Zoey Sparkleberry. I just want to say thank you for having the best idea of your life aka Mojo's Backyard. We can't wait to see the pictures.


    Zoey Marie Sparkleberry Scott Campbell

  6. i totally agree! robin was super awesome with my dogs. tetsy was scary at the beginning but calmed down enough (i hope) to get a good photo :) i can't wait until my slideshow and also to see your doggie photos! maybe i can come to your slideshow???

  7. It would be great if she could come to Mojo's for "doggie school pictures." I would love to have Grady and Maggies pictures taken.
    Kelli Dillon

  8. Just taking pictures of our pup, Poppi, is a challenge, I can only imagine dealing with a whole pack! Looking forward to seeing the proofs.

